Crafting Identity in Exile
Crafting identity in exile is a story telling workshop using crafts to conduct a visual narrative inquiry. A visual narrative inquiry involves observation, immersion and active engagement with the participants by co-creating, in order to discover user needs and motivations.
This workshop was conceived for Tissu Solidaire (now renamed Weavers), an association in Lyon working to accelerate the social and professional integration of people in exile in France. The aim of the workshop was to understand the needs, motivations and challenges faced by women immigrants in exile in Lyon by using more convivial tools like story telling through crafts. Four participative and creative workshops were conducted with migrant women at the CADA de Villeurbanne, in Lyon. CADA - centres d'accueil pour demandeurs d’asile, are the reception centres across France as the first point of contact for refugees willing to start their asylum process.
Subsequently "Atelier story telling" was conceived.
"Atelier story telling is a safe space for migrant women and their children to come together , make conversations, share experiences, and tell stories by using embroidery as a tool of expression. The atelier will be facilitated by the women, for the women and of the women. The atelier will take place through a process that provides ownership to the women to meet, interact and co-create for themselves, a space for encounter and creativity with the support from Tissu Solidaire. Tissu Solidaire will equip them with the necessary tools and pedagogy to successfully conduct each atelier."
Photography by Namrata Tiwari for Tissu Solidaire.